RNC Chairman Michael Steele said something pretty stupid over the weekend.
Quoted from the above article:
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele recast the gay marriage debate as a fiscal issue Saturday, saying allowing same-sex couples to marry places a financial burden on business.
In a breakfast speech to delegates of the Georgia Republican convention, Steele put himself in the shoes of a small business owner having to pay for health care and life insurance for a same-sex couple.
"Now all of a sudden I've got someone who wasn't a spouse before, that I had no responsibility for, who is now getting claimed as a spouse that I now have financial responsibility for," Steele said. "So how do I pay for that? Who pays for that? You just cost me money."
You fucking idiot. That's the same argument used by slave owners against abolition in 1862. "If the system changes and things are actually fair for everyone, well that's going to cost me a lot of money. Therefore, we should keep things the way that they are."
And furthermore, by his stupid logic, it's all marriage that's bad for small business, not just gay marriage. Anytime anyone takes a spouse it's going to cost small business owners. So no one get married if you want to save our economy.
Michael Steele - against the Emancipation Proclamation (for financial reasons), against marriage (for financial reasons).
There's the hip-hop makeover you promised the GOP! It's still all about the Benjamins, baby. Unless we're talking about two guys named Benjamin who want to marry each other. Then it's all about the Benjamins not having equal rights.