Ticketmaster, like many other less evil websites, uses
captcha (No, that word is not "capture" spoken in a heavy Boston accent) to make sure that only humans can buy tickets. For some reason computers aren't allowed to buy Billy Joel tickets... I don't know why. But what I do know is that these captcha phrases are not just random words strung together. Anyone who's seen movies knows that while computers might not have feelings, they're always trying to tell you shit. So every once in a while from now on, whenever I get around to it, I'll be logging on to Ticketmaster, pretending to be interested in Phish tickets and capturing the captcha in an attempt to visualize the dreams of the Ticketmaster computer. WHAT IS THE TICKETMASTER COMPUTER TRYING TO TELL US?!?

The first dream to be interpreted: "3,000 wonders"
CONCLUSION: EITHER the Ticketmaster computer is predicting a wave of social activism led by a small army of Stevie Wonders OR the Ticketmaster computer LOVES Stevie Wonder.